Sunday, February 8, 2009

oktaviantin sekar dewita . location : in my heart

lihatlah betapa cantiknya dia Photobucket

aku sayaaaaaaang banget sama dia . satu satunya yang klop sama aku :}
antin yang cantik , antin yang periang , antin yang ndengerin semua yang aku ceritain tanpa bosan :]
nobody's perfect . but i will never see any mistakes from her :)
oke . memang kadang kita bertengkar .
antin selalu nganggep aku cantik . dia jeles , apalagi kalau liat aku sama mr.and nya *manyun* -_______-"
padahal . hello . malaikat pun tau ! . nggak mungkin ada cowok yang milih aku kalau di sebelahku ada antin.ku *ngakak* .
kita berdua sekarang lagi berpura-pura .
berpura-pura nggak kena *sensoor* .
day by day pass away and we learned to enjoyed ! :)

dia semangat ku . aku selalu "panas" kalo ada di deket dia :) .
dia lebih baik dari "sekedar baik" .
aku percaya dia sepenuhnya .

When I'm with you I feel like I could die and that would be alright and that'll be my beautiful death Photobucket

*hiks* . oh oh . nggak ngomongin mati mati an deh disini Photobucket

You are my best friend through thick and thin. When
You reach for my hand you touch my heart. You are
The bestest friend that i can have.

You are there for me when i need you the most.

You cheer me up when i am down. If i am about to cry
You make me smile. You are my bestest friend and i cant lie

You listen to me and give me advice, advice that comes
Straight from the bottom of your precious heart. You are
My best friend in the whole wide world and i couldn't ask
God for a little bit more.